Hip Pain and Knee Pain

Hip pain

There can be a variety of reasons for pain in the hip.  These include:

  • Arthritis in the hip
  • Muscle tightness, strain or imbalance
  • Trochanteric bursitis
  • Pelvic pain
  • Tensions and dysfunction in the low back and/or pelvis/sacro-iliac joints
  • Ligament sprain

Knee pain

man with knee pain Richard Metcalf Osteopathy in Sheffield WalkleyKnee pain is sometimes caused by dysfunction in the low back, hip, or ankle.  There are a variety of reasons for pain in the knee.  These include:

  • Arthritis in the knee
  • Muscle tightness, strain or imbalance (often including the hamstrings, quads and calf muscles)
  • Patella tendinopathy
  • Bursitis
  • Ligament sprain

Injuries such as a sprained ankle can affect a person’s walking gait resulting in a limp.  The whole body will then compensate and this can lead on to hip pain and/or knee pain as well as other physical issues.

Osteopathic Treatment

An osteopath will not only treat the symptomatic or problem area, but will also address other possible factors that have led to the problem.   The aim is to reduce pain and restore the range and quality of movement.  An osteopath will also give you advice on lifestyle, posture and exercises to do at home. A complete treatment plan will help to prevent future occurrences and so restore good health.