
Richard Metcalf Osteopath
Richard Metcalf Osteopath

If you would like to make an appointment or want some advice please get in touch by leaving a voicemail or send a text.  I regularly respond to messages throughout the day. 

I am always happy to answer questions or discuss whether osteopathy may be suitable for you.

Telephone: 0756 4186 266

Alternatively, please complete the Contacts form –

Contact Form


Address:  The Lodge House, Howard Road, Walkley, Sheffield S6 3RX

The Lodge House Walkley Osteopathy in Sheffield Richard Metcalf Osteopath

If approaching from town, the Lodge House is on the left hand side of Howard Road at the bottom of the private drive which leads to the Sheffield Buddhist Centre.

Saccomandos Garage Osteopathy in Sheffield The Lodge House Walkley Richard MEtcalf OsteopathSaccomando’s Garage is on the opposite side of the road just before the Lodge House.

Map to Lodge House Richard Metcalf Osteopathy in Sheffield WalkleyPlease be aware that the postcode ‘S6 3RX’ is inaccurate and will take you further down the road to St Mary’s Church where Hadfield St meets Howard Rd.  The postcode ‘S6 3RT’ is slightly more accurate.


There is on road parking outside the peak times of 8.00-9.30am and 4.30-6.30pm and at other times there are adjacent roads to park on. Please park with consideration to residents living by these roads.

Public Transport

Bus Number 95 operates every 10-15 mins. The bus stop is 50 metres beyond the practice. These go through the city centre stopping at High St, Cathedral and West Street.